- Treat others as you would like to be treated. This applies to everyone.
- If you’d like to play your own tracks, ask a mod first for permission. This has to be done for every tune you play.
- Self-promotion, and posting links with NSFW content is not allowed.
- We aim to provide a chilled environment in our room, so please pick your songs according to the theme.
- If a song has a significant amount of mehs, it may be skipped.
- If a song is overplayed, it will be lock-skipped.
- Do not play mixes.
- Our time limit for songs is capped at 10 minutes. Do not exceed.
- Do not play videos with explicit content.
- We do not support AFK auto-joining.
- Out of respect to our moderators and users, keep the chat in English.
- Impersonation of producers, moderators or users is not tolerated.
- Do not advertise other rooms.
- Profanity is allowed in moderation. Please consider your words and do not use them excessively.
- Spamming anything in the chat is not permitted.
- Moderators skip at their own discretion. (Don’t ask for skips)
- Do as a moderator tells you to. If you do not, you have to face the consequences.
- Modifying the title of any song is not allowed and will lead to a skip as long as it is not just for aesthetics (e.g. converting it to the right format “Artist – Title”).
- Do not ask for friends. No “friend4friend” allowed.
- Do not ask for gifts.
See the FAQ for further explanation of some rules.